About Missus Toast

I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride it where I like


Rather tragically, I’ve still not managed to get biking over the Chase this year.  I’ve been over the Chase a couple of times, but it’s normally to allow Mr Toast to ride and me taking t’boy for a walk.  I’m  hoping to get over there tomorrow – I was considering today, especially as it’s bright and sunny (at least, it is here…), but it’s also very cold and I’m a bit phlemgy, and I’m a bit worried about it being icy!

Still, I’ve managed to get some bike time in commuting backwards and forwards from work – with my sister-in-law away for the week, I’ve also been popping back at lunchtimes to check on t’boy.  Getting to work is easy – a five minute ride down a hill.  Getting back home takes a little longer, as obviously what goes down has to lumber back up at some point.  I feel slightly smug though, as a lot of people don’t even bother riding that hill (I’ve even seen people pushing down it… :S), and I’m feeling a lot more confident road riding now.

I’ve got a new pair of biking trousers, so hopefully they’ll get their first outing tomorrow.  We’re also demoing some Orange 5s next week. Interestingly, the 14″ Orange 5 has more standover than The Professor, but is a little longer – I’m interested to see how that would work out for me.  Mr Toast is interested in the new 22″ – he’sbeen pondering a replacement for the Meta for a while, so let’s see what happens.

14/01/12: Pah!

I’ve still not managed to get biking this year, as the dreaded lurgy has struck once more.  Fortunately it’s more of a headachey, passy outy nauseated sort of lurgy rather than a chest infection, so hopefully it’ll pass.  It’s been lingering for two weeks now, stopping me from getting over the Chase. 🙁  We’re hoping to get over there tomorrow, albeit with me on two legs rather than biking.  Benny seems to be calming a bit around other dogs, but is still obsessed with crows, magpies and squirrels.

In a bit of good news, I’ve started Weight Watchers again, despite their buttock clenchingly awful efforts at ‘gamification’, and am pleased to report that I lost 3.5lbs in my first week.  According the NHS’s BMI calculator, this takes me down from being clinically obese to being merely overweight.  Yay! \o/

Only 26lbs to go…

It’s Chriiiiiistmaaaas!

Well OK, it was a few days ago, but I’ve still got a few more days off, so it’s time for an update!

I actually went biking for the first time in two months a couple of weeks ago.  As Mr Toast had been biking the previous time, it was my turn to ride merrily around whilst he walked young master Benny.  Before setting off, I got The Fear – the raging paranoia that I’d lost what little skill I had and end up sliding around on my face.  I get this pretty much every time I’ve had more than a couple of weeks of biking.  And, as usual… I was fine.  Better than fine.  Although my fitness has taken a hit (with the fireroad hill up to section 8 being particualrly brutal), technique-wise I was pretty much as good as I’ve ever been.  It was a bit soggy and muddy, but although I found the boggier sections a bit of a slog, I seem to actually ride faster when it’s a bit wetter.  It seems to a bit gripper than when it’s very dry and dust, and I feel more comfortable going faster.

I did everything I normally do, and more!  Including *trumpet fanfare* the uphill steps on section 11.  Not the first steps, the tiny ones.  No, I minced over them because it looked a bit slidey.  But by the time I got to the proper steps (which I avoided last time), I just thought, “Ah, fuck it”, and ploughed into  them.  And I sailed over them with grace and style.  Well, I went over them, without stopping, and I never felt like I was about to come off or even slip slightly, so… yeah, grace and style.

Thoroughly enjoyed the ride, overtook quite a few people (admittedly it was just because I was taking less breaks between sections than them rather than going faster on the trail itself), and pulled into Birches Valley with a huge smile on my face.  Mr Toast looked slightly exasperated with Benny pulling at every passing dog, person and bird – after an afternoon of dog-sitting on the Chase, he looked more exhausted than I did!

So… Benny.  We’ve had him for over a month now, and he’s beyond adorable.  It’s not 100% smooth sailing – he’s very well behaved in the house (although a bit rude and pushy if people are eating), and we’ve started training him.  He will sit when told, generally will leave food if asked to, then eat it on command, and he’s on his way to learning ‘stay’ (it’s still a bit hit or miss at the moment).  But by Odin’s Raven, you should see him outside! Everything else is infinitely more interesting than his owners – crows, dogs, other people (especially if they have bags).  We’ve only been able to let him off his lead at Cayton Bay, as it’s completely enclosed, and he ran like a mentalist for miles and miles.  He certainly has the stamina and physique for being a trail pooch, but yeah… the training is still very much a work in progress!

So, now… good dog photos!

Benny, realising he can't drive and being concerned about that fact


Benny with Mr Giraffe, the one toy he hasn't savaged


Look at the dog, not at the cables!


Look, sometimes I don't wear biking gear!




Bailey, the fat russell


In other news, there’s a Big Build Day over at Cannock Chase on January 8th.  As usual, there’s a raffle and food, drinks and tools provided, and it will involve resurfacing the end of Tackaroo, so you’re only a stone’s throw away from Birches Valley!  Lots of people have been interested in what’s going on over Tackaroo, so if you’re one of them, now’s your chance to find out!  If you’re not, then go and help out anyway.  You might see Benny, and be able to bask in his glory.  Not a euphemism.


Written on 18/09/11:

“Move house!

But keep riding!”

Well, one of the above objectives has been successfully achieved.  After some slight panicking – we were told that our objective of moving mid-October was fine… until the first week of October, when we told it would be the end of October.  The eventual moving date left us with two days to move from one house to the other, and completely clean the previous house so we could successfully reclaim our deposit.

After claiming our house, our weekends have been taken up with visits to Ikea, assembling the rather large quantity of goods from Ikea, and accepting visits from proud parents, our quest for domestic bliss was not yet over! No, there was something missing, a responsibility that we felt we were now ready for…


 Yes, we now have a new family member in Toast Towers – Benny Lava, the Tibetan Terrier cross.  We got him from the Dogs Trust – he was sweet, affectionate, full of beans, and SWEET MERCIFUL ZEUS JUST LOOK AT THAT FACE!  THAT MOUSTACHE!  THAT TAIL!  And Tibetan Terriers are Jez Recommended (TM).  Although Jez rides luminous bikes that look like they’ve been vomited out of the 1990s, but still, we trust his dog judgement.

We couldn’t decide what to rename Benny.  There were many names mooted then dismissed – Loki (already taken by Alex’s labradoodle), Noodles (could be shortened to Noo Noo, which is horrible), Domino (that’s a girl’s name!), Fruitcake and Turbo Cat (just… no).  Instead, we watched the Benny Lava video, and decided that Benny wasn’t such a bad name after all.  Although he does occasionally get called Lava Face.  He also looks quite a lot like Hairy Maclary:



He’s settling in well – it took us a few attempts to find a suitable food that agreed with him, but he’s doing nicely now.  He needs to put on some weight, and have quite a lot of training.  Hopefully he’ll be able to join us on our biking adventures, but if not, we’ve worked out plans for alternate riding and even looked into dog trailers.  Obviously we won’t take him out if he’s unable to run alongside safely – don’t want to break the sweet little lad (or anyone who might run into him, could be a child’s face next time, etc…)

We’re planning on taking him on his first trip to the Chase on Sunday to meet the trailbuilders – hopefully he’ll cope with the car journey OK, we’ll have to wait and see!  We’re also hoping to get biking again soon, I’ve ordered some winter gear to keep me snuggly.  Fortunately my sniffles and sore throat cleared, so no repeat of the past two year’s winter illness so far (thanks to everyone who’s been concerned!).  I’ve also got a new pannier rack for my Inbred, which is quite exciting (hey, trust me on this).  Sadly the route into work from our new house isn’t as nice as the previous one down the canal towpath, but we are now quite close to the four cross course and The Bike Yard, which arranges local mtbing rides.  Yay! \o/

The most wonderful time of the year

Regular readers will know that, for the past two years, I’ve spent most of the winter suffering from a recurring chest infection.  I was hoping that this winter I’d manage to avoid it, but last week I started to feel a bit iffy.  I actually had to have some time off work as I sweated, coughed and snuffled, hoping that I’d feel better by the weekend.  I didn’t.  Instead, I spent most of the weekend sleeping, with occasional breaks in my busy sleeping schedule to watch Fringe, Supernatural, and to make pathetic whimpering noises at Mr Toast.

Izzy from PR has an interesting theory.  We work in the games industry, where women make up a paltry 6% of the dev force.  This means we are surrounded by men.  The theory is this:  by such excessive exposure to men, we have become susceptible to man-flu.  And thinking about it, it’s the only possible explanation – when I was younger, I would have laughed in your face if you’d suggested I’d be taking time off work because of a cold.  A bit snuffly?  Sore throat?  Hacking cough?  Headache? Pah!  Deal with it!  Nowadays I get a cold and it feels like I’m one step away from shuffling off the mortal coil.

So, no biking this weekend.  Biked into work this morning and am currently ‘interestingly phlegmy’. Hard to believe it was only the weekend before we were biking in Wales in the glorious warmth. 🙁

In an effort to improve my health, I’m also trying to lose weight.  I’m hoping that public shame will help motivate me, so… I’m currently 11 stone 4, trying to get to sub-10 stone.  I’ve always struggled with my weight – being 5ft 2 means that I don’t have a huge margin for error, and I really, really like cake.  And cheese.  And I hate fruit.  To give you an idea of how much I hate fruit – if there’s a dessert, an ice-cream sundae, or a cheesecake, for example – and it has been soiled with fruit, I will shove the fruit off to the side, grimacing.  Rasperries?  Strawberries?  Blueberries?  Bleugh!  And why ruin a good crumble with apple?

Yes, I’m aware that my hatred of fruit and my chronic immune system may not be entirely unrelated…

And on another unrelated note, some trailbuilders in Sandwell are trying to secure funding to built some trails.  You should vote for them! The more legal trails that are about, the more people can get introduced to mountain biking, which is ace.

01/10/11: Missus Nanty Pants

So despite threatening to go to Coed-y-Brenin for three years, on Saturday we found ourselves with the good crew of Chase Trails over Nant-yr-Arian.  This was highly unusual, as it involved me getting out of bed before 11am on a Saturday.  Had to get up at 6am, to be exact, which is practically the middle of the night.

We sallied forth in the bleak autumny weather… oh no, wait, it was blue skies and 26 degrees.  I don’t know what’s going on with the weather, but I’m not complaining.  It was fantastic.

Approaching Nant-y-Arian a few things became clear.  One, the locals in the surrounding villages really don’t like pylons or wind turbines.  Two, despite the presence of nearby turbines, red kites clearly don’t give a crap.  Three, Red Kites are ruddy huge.  Four… the hills are also quite large.


After purchasing the obligatory souvenir for the Map of Joy (see the following post…), it was off up the Summit Trail.  There was the expected long fireroad climb at the start, then we were off down the Italian Job.  I gloriously minced down the trail.  I believe I’ve mentioned before that I’m not a morning person, so suddenly being faced with being on a large hill after getting up at six and driving for three hours and it not even being past noon was more than my tiny brain could cope with.  The trail is sturdy and not overly technical, but OMG IT’S ON A HILL!  What if I fall off the side and fall to my death?  Mr Toast can’t drive, how will he get home?  So off I hopped at the slightest obstacle, whimpering internally.  And externally.  Step up?  Do not want.  No, I don’t care if it’s only three inches high, there’s a root after it – what if I hit the root AND DIE?  Rocky steps?  No, I don’t care if they’re comparable to the steps on Tackaroo, I can do those but these ones are MADE OF ROCK!  What if I faceplant?  It’s only the first section!  I’ll spoil it for everybody!

Obviously everyone else was fine, with most of the boys throwing themselves over an optional feature for filming pleasure.  Sadly our little point and click camera struggles with the sheer majesty of Gnar, so most of the action shots came out blurry.


Nant-yr-Arian is very pretty.  Lots of nice views, and quite a variety too – woodland, moorland, hills, lakes.  Why, just look at this attractive group of folk enjoying the scenery.


I generally forget that Mr Toast is quite tall.  Photos like this remind me.

There’s quite a lot of fireroad from one section of singletrack to another, the one leading to Mark of Zorro being quite loose and Peak Districty.  I’m never comfortable with these kinds of trails as I don’t feel even remotely happy going down them with any speed, but the slower you go the more shaky it feels.  Plus there are distractions.  Not to sound too Welsh, but there are really pretty sheep around here – perfectly white and fluffy, very posh looking.  However, they do also look a bit Black Metal.  Let’s look at the evidence.

A Nant Yr Arian sheep


Deathly pallor?  Black eyes and mouth? Yes, there’s no doubt about it.  Nanty sheep are proper grim and frostbitten, and liable to start singing about Satan any minute now.

Moving swiftly on (or not so swiftly, it was a bit hilly) we hit the Mark of Zorro.  This section was a huge amount of fun – I perhaps enjoyed it so much as I was finally getting into the swing of things, plus going through the woods meant that everything was under a nice carpet of friendly pine needles.  Emerged with a huge grin on my face… until we hit The Leg Burner.  The Leg Burner isn’t steep, and it’s in a straight line…but, by Zeus, does it outstay its welcome. There’s a brief but ultimately pointless respite in the form of Emmanuelle, which most of the locals dismissed as being not worth the diversion.    On the plus side, when you get to the top there’s a viewpoint with a nice mosiac that says how humans ‘burrowed for silver and lead’.   I did take some pictures, but they don’t really do it justice.

Eventually you end up at Drunken Druid, which has its moments of joy but also a horrible incline that I nearly made it up but ultimately failed. The end of it has a few rock gardens that I rode quite happily… well, I didn’t die… which left me pondering if I could manage the three on the Monkey.  I’ve done the second one once, really need to get around to riding the Monkey again…

High as a Kite winds through the trees back to the Forestry centre, and I rode it relatively speedily, albeit with a few squeals.  Roots, you see.

After a ham sandwich and a cup of tea, it was time for round two, this time tackling the Pendam trail.  Pendam takes in some of the Summit sections, adds a few of its own but misses out on The Leg Burner and is generally a bit shorter and less demanding.  By this time I was fairly comfortable with the notion of hilly death, and rode all of The Italian Job (with the exception of the crap step up).  I realised that my comrades were filming my efforts, so I took comfort in the fact that even if I messed it up and faceplanted, at least Chase Trails could get £250 from You’ve Been Framed.  Fortunately (or not for Chase Trails) I didn’t mess up – my weight was a bit far forward so I didn’t exactly ride it gracefully, but I never felt unbalanced or like I was going to come off.  Which was nice.

The main diversion of Pendam was by the lake, where it goes its own way from The Summit Trail to Hippity Hop, The Spine and The Camel’s Hump.  Passing the lake was thoroghly entertaining, as by this time a group of enterprising young lads had strapped various buoyant items to cheap bikes and were proceeding to launch themselves into the lake off a ramp.  As one of our group remarked, Jackass has a lot to answer for.  Hippity Hop was good fun, lots of jumps (as you’d expect from the name), as was The Spine.  Wasn’t quite as keen on the Camel’s Hump as it was a bit looser, and I’m a massive lamer. There was the tail end of the climb back up to Drunken Druid, and the end was the same as the Summit Trail.

Knees played up slightly on the climbs, but my biggest issue was the descents.   After a short while, I had the same burning sensation in my left leg that I had at Glentress.  I don’t know whether it’s a matter of bad positioning (the pain varies between being right above my knee to being further up my thigh depending on where I have my weight), or whether they just need building up.

I really enjoyed Nanty, and felt it was well worth the drive.  Not too technical, but enough to keep it interesting, particularly if you’re going fast.  There’s a lot of fireroad and bridleway, but I think that with the Chase we’re massively spoilt in that respect – there’s really not a lot of non-singletrack stuff on FtD.  Normally if there’s a lot of climbing or fireroad sections I get a bit stroppy and feel like it wasn’t really worth it (hello Mabie), but Nanty’s singletrack sections were thoroughly good fun.  Everyone was very friendly too, even the guy who’d managed to snap a crank (not a euphemism) was still smiling.

Got back home at nine in the evening, had a bath and a bowl of Shreddies, then promptly passed out for 12 hours.  Awoke on Sunday with my knees, thighs, arms and back killing me.  Would I do it again?  Definitely!

Ride: Nant yr Arian

Trail: The Summit (morning), Pendam (afternoon)

Highlights:  Not dying after The Leg Burner, doing the Italian Job properly 2nd time around

Bad bits:  Leg pain. Inability to do hairpin corners.

Post ride food snaffled: Ham sandwich, crisps, salad, tea (between trails)

Good dogs seen: Junior German Shepherd, some fluffy giant Pomeranian…thing.


I thought I’d already posted this, but evidently not!

Chase Trails are through to the final of the National Lottery Awards, and need YOUR vote!  These brave, noble, not to mention attractive volunteers give their time to build and maintain the official trails over the Chase that we know and love, that are enjoyed by the young and the old, the gnar and the… er, not so gnar.  Your vote will help them get the resources to make the trails EVEN BETTER!


Other ways of helping with the trails include joining Chase Trails, helping with the Sunday trail building which meets at Swinnertons 10am every Sunday (or even stopping for a bit to help out if you pass them on your ride), and obeying any diversions and signage that may be up on the trail.  Cake also helps.

18/09/11: Oh hello, Professor

Poor, poor, Professor. It’s been nearly a month since we’ve been to the Chase due to a fairly life changing event – we’re buying a house! This is awesome, but quite time consuming, so our weekends have been filled with house viewing, form filling, and efforts to destroy the weeds that are triffiding over the garden of our current house.

So today was our first ride in ages. I actually felt a bit queasy and nervous going out, as if either Follow the Dog had gotten harder in our absence, or as if I’d forgotten how to ride a bike. I needn’t have worried though – I actually felt really comfortable and confident, and despite the Chase Trails pixies having been busy the planned spike-filled death pit hasn’t been built yet. I think having a break has actually done my legs some good, I didn’t have any knee or muscle pain and could easily get out of the saddle throughout the ride.

It was good to see a lot of beginners and families out on the trail. It was particularly impressive to see tiny children quite happily tackling the Stegosaur with aplomb. I have to admit, I was also impressed by a dad and his little lad doing section ten. Not only was the tiny lad doing a decent pace, but his dad managed to do pretty much the entire section whilst talking on his mobile phone. I suppose I should have been appalled by his lack of consideration for health and safety, but… he rode the entire section one-handed, whilst holding a conversation on his phone. Like I said… impressive.

Only sour note of the ride was going into the berms just before Werewolf. A rider came barrelling behind me and yelled, “MOVE”. I pulled over just before the last couple of turns before the drop, and the rider went past without so much as a “Thank you”… then proceeded to hop off his bike at Werewolf and walk down. Sir, you are a terrible human being.

Anyhoo, course of action for the next few weeks:

Move house!

But keep riding!

Get my ass out of bed before 11am on a Sunday and help with trail building, particularly now there are Chicken Runs under construction!

Vote for Chase Trails in the lottery awards

But for now, I’m watching The Day After Tomorrow. It kind of sucks.