Ah, shorts. Next to shoes, getting trousers and shorts that even remotely fit is the bane of my clothing existence.
A word on my physique – I am short of leg, and wide of arse and thigh, but relatively narrow of waist. This, dear readers, is a problem. What normally happens with trousers or shorts is that I go for one size, and I can’t get them over my hips. Nope, nope, nope. But if I go for the next size up… huzzah! They pass the thighs and hips and… oh. Oh, right. I have an extra two inches or so of waist band. Awesome. I end up with loads of excess fabric, and end up having to wear belts, which I dislike for two reasons:
1) It bunches up the waistband and looks awful
2) I’m allergic to nickel, which is what’s generally used in costume jewellery and belt buckles. So I quite often end up with an unslightly (AND ITCHY) rash on my belly.
Given that I’m not blessed with the most attractive pins in the world (especially given the events of the previous post), I like 3/4 length shorts, which seem to be quite hard to get hold of if you’re a lady – quite a few will claim to be 3/4 length but only be knee-length… and believe me, it’s not because I have long legs.
So, here, for your delight and delectation – the world of Missus Toast’s biking shorts.
Well, let’s start with some of my favourites. I have two pairs of Synchros – a grey pair with black piping, I think from 2009 or 2010, and a black pair with white piping on, from 2010/11. OBSERVE THE MAJESTY OF MY SYNCHROS!So these shorts have been bloody fantastic:
- The cut is nice, reasonably loose on the legs but not massively baggy around the waist.
- They actually make a pretty decent effort to get past the knee.
- There aren’t any fastenings to get caught or rub.
- They’re very light, so they’re ideal in the summer.
- The pockets aren’t great, although the later pair have slightly deeper ones that are more useful, but really… who puts anything in their pockets? It’s uncomfortable, and makes you look bobbly. Pockets are overrated!*
Despite being used for commuting to work, weekend mountain biking and 24 hour races in horrendous weather, they’re still in perfect condition. And yes, I wash them after every ride as well, thanks for asking. In the case of my older grey pair, they also survived the 2010 crash that took out my helmet and a good chunk of the skin on my right arm. The blood washed out nicely!
Loeka Tech Short Capri Length 2010
I bought these last year. The dimensions are a bit unusual – I’d personally say they’re a bit short to be classed as ‘capri length’, but they are just about knee length on my hobbity legs. They’re very baggy in the leg, which makes a nice change, but they are also quite baggy around the waist and gut – not too bad though. More room for cake, eh?
So, an overview:
- Relatively short for ‘capri’ length
- Nice and baggy
- There aren’t any fastenings to get caught or rub.
- Quality feels really nice and sturdy
- Very cool looking
The Hummvees are very popular, both the male and female versions. Unfortunately, despite being the most expensive shorts I’ve bought**, they’re the only ones I didn’t really get on with. Again, this is probably due to my rather… ahem, ‘stout’ legs. The Hummvees are definitely designed for those more slender of pins. They’re a nice length, but very slim fitting, and I found the velcro fastenings around the back of the knee quite annoying. The belt that comes with it is also a bit rubbish. It’s frustrating, because the quality and look (when worn by others…) is great.
- Good length
- VERY slim fitting on the legs
- Velcro fastenings tend to rub when pedalling
- Good quality
- Looks good… on non-hobbits
So overall, the Synchros are winning in the battle of the shorts, with the Loeka shorts being a close second – if they were just a bit longer, they’d probably be my favourites. The Hummvees make me sad, because they make me realise how ridiculously out of proportion my thighs are compared to the rest of my body. 🙁
*Seriously, I really don’t like putting things in my pockets. Ever.
**It’s probably worth mentioning that I have a tendency to only buy cycling clothes if they’re heavily discounted, usually because they’re last year’s stock, etc. I am married to a Yorkshireman, after all.