This ride was quite a milestone for me, as it’s the first time since I started riding that I’ve done all of Follow the Dog without any rest stops. Yes, it’s taken me three years to get to this point, but I got there eventually. My riding was actually a bit off – I felt a little skittish and off-balance, and I felt slower than when I’m at my best, but that might have been down to not having my usual breaks around the fireroad hill.
After Follow the Dog I stopped at the cafe for tea and a cookie (ideal fitness nutrition…) then did some pootley fireroad. I decided to venture onto the old section 3, which is still rides remarkably well although it can be easy to lose the trail at times.
I’m going to keep trying to get around with no stops, as I think that will improve my fitness and lap times. Given that Mountain Mayhem is in two weeks it’s probably a bit late to be worrying about it, but better late than never!
Ride: Cannock Chase
Trail: Follow the Dog
Highlights: Doing FtD with no rest breaks
Bad bits: Being a bit inept
Post ride food snaffled: Cookie
Good dogs seen: Schnauzers, a spaniel and its pup