When I die, I want to be reincarnated as one of the little finches that lives around The Hub in Glentress. The Hub does the best…cake…ever! I can particularly recommend the Millionaire’s Shortbread and Chocolate covered flapjack. The little finches were happily hoovering up any crumbs left behind, and looked thoroughly pleased with themselves.
I really want to go to Scotland again when the weather picks up, but it doesn’t look like we’ll get chance this year. We were supposed to be going on a camping trip to t’other Stanes (Dalbeattie, Mabie, etc), but alas, work commitments has knocked that idea on the head. Sadly we found this out a little too late into our holiday, we would have ventured westward to sample one of the others if we’d known earlier. 🙁
Missus T where are you, missing your posts.
Are you there ? are you ok ??
I’m here, just been mega-busy at work. Don’t worry, I’ve not been tackling any dangerous fireroad! 😛