Saturday marked the first time back on my bike since the ‘ribs’ incident, and bloody hell, didn’t my legs know it! Rather than sliding across an increasingly battered FtD with no mud tyres, I went the way of cowardice and did the green route instead.
My legs felt pretty stiff as I started off, and I had the vague concern that I wouldn’t actually be able to do a full loop. Fortunately, by the time I got to the road crossing near the start of section 13, my legs had loosened up.
The ride was a slightly surreal experience. I swear I passed the same guy walking his dog about five or six times – I think there’s some sort of cloning facility over the Chase where they turn out slightly grumpy looking grey-haired chaps in wax jackets. Spaniels also seem to be in vogue – I saw a lot of them. Perhaps they’re the only breed that don’t mind the weather that much…there was also a HUGE dog that was the size of a pony, think it was some sort of mountain breed. I also saw a woman in a small cart being pulled by a small pony (that was probably smaller than the aforementioned dog), which was OMG BEST THING EVAH!
Despite restricting myself to the green route, I still managed to get utterly plastered in mud. I’d gone out wearing my normally glasses rather than my contact lenses/biking glasses combo, due to my left eye being a bit sore (fell asleep with my contacts in the previous day, doh!), and I quickly found that, although biking glasses make you look a bit like an insect – or even worse, a bit like Bono – they’re by far and away the most effect way of keeping mud out of your eyes!
Ride: Cannock Chase
Trail: Green loop
Highlights: Getting back on the bike
Bad bits: Weather’s a bit rubbish…
Post ride food snaffled: Tea, bacon sarnie and shortbread. Nom!
Good dogs seen: Giant bear pony dog, curly haired Airdale terrier type thing, Jack Russells, and looooooooooads of bouncy demented spaniels.