20/09/09: Breaking the back of the Stegosaur

I was a bit dubious about Sunday’s ride as I started to feel a bit queasy on the way to the Chase.  This may possibly have had something to due with the sheer quantity of delicious curry and cake consumed the previous evening…

I felt a lot better once I got to the Chase and got on the bike.  I:

  •  Went a lot faster than last week – even with a sizeable break to survey the start of 6 and 8, I was a good 30 minutes faster than last week…
  • FINALLY rode the exit to section 2 – no stopping or hesitation. Both the Professor and I are uninjured.
  • Took the jumps on 8 a lot better than usual – normally I come down a bit heavy on the front due to having the grace of a pregnant hippo, seemed to take them a lot smoother

On the downside, I’ve still not conquered Evil Root Number One – the fact the section was open took me by surprise.  It doesn’t look as…evil as I remember it though. :/  I also bottled it on the end of section 8, as there was a group of people sitting at the end – although I’m not sure walking the bike down is any less embarrassing than trying and failing.  Still frustrating as I’ve never actually failed the end of 8 whenever I’ve ridden it – I just need to keep tackling it on a regular basis instead of chickening out.

Evil Root Number Two is also unconquered – I keep on thinking I’ll just try it, but normally when I get there I end up feeling too weedy to try it.   This week was particularly bad as the aforementioned nausea returned with a vengeance, and I started coughing up copious amounts of phlegm.  Seems like the cold I’ve had for the past 2 months is still kicking about…

Rode 13, 14 and 15 fine.  15 no longer has the Stump of Indecision, as trail pixies decided to cut off the left hand route-that’s-not-actually-the-route.  Unfortunately I felt really weak and weedy by the time I got to 16 – rode it, but kept on having some silly moments, mostly involving pulling over to let people pass and trees.

I’ve just got to keep riding and pushing myself to do stuff that I keep avoiding.  And not eat twice my own body weight in food the day before a ride.  Or ever again.

Ride: Cannock Chase

Trail: Follow the Dog

Highlights: Riding the exit to section 2

Bad bits:  Feeling violently ill towards the end of the ride

Post ride food snaffled: Water, even thinking about food made me worse!

Good dogs seen: Two husky/malamute type things!  Spaniel puppies!  Lots of short-legged Jack Russells!

One thought on “20/09/09: Breaking the back of the Stegosaur

  1. I’ve recently conquered a few demons myself.
    First day out on a new bike build that I’d finished at 5am that morning and I decided that ‘Dank, Dark, Bastard Of A Rock Garden’ wasn’t going to get the better of me this time, and it didn’t. It’s all in the mind, so I think I might need the help of Derren Brown.

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